(available in Chinese only)
(available in Chinese only)
- Social Inequalities in Healthy Ageing of Older Adults
- Poverty and Pacification: The Chinese State Abandons the Old Working Class
- 落實「鄉村振興」的願景 : T村的集體經濟發展 (available in Chinese only)
- Curating Citizenship: Law, Life and Archival Practices of Shenzhen Migrants
- Poverty and Pacification: The Chinese State Abandons the Old Working Class
- China’s Programme to Urbanise the Countryside: The Mass Relocation of Villagers into High-Rise Settlements
- Building City Walls: Reordering the Population Through Beijing’s Upside-down Villages
- 基層治理社會工作:中國內地社會工作的專業化路徑及其理論依據 (available in Chinese only)
- 農業規模化不同路徑的探討 (available in Chinese only)
- Agrarian Futures in China
- (Dis)connecting in Techno-Social Valleys: Youth Participation in Social Innovation Startups in Seoul and Shenzhen
- 市場監管、網約車平台與司機招募:退出障礙如何塑造了平台經濟中的勞資關係 (available in Chinese only)
- Unravelling the Tale of Chinese “Debt Trap” in Sri Lanka
- Rural Development in China and East Asia
February 農村婦女的離婚訴訟:當代中國的國家法、權力與不平等 [Dr Ke LI, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York]
April 大都市女性逆城鎮化的動機與機制研究—以返(入)鄉創業女性為例 [南京大學建築與城市規劃學院孫潔博士] 中產階層消費者還是創意階層生產者?中國的鄉村旅遊創客及其引導的鄉村旅遊紳士化 [南京大學建築與城市規劃學院陳培培博士] (available in Chinese only) (available in Chinese only) (available in Chinese only)
July Family change and low fertility in Japan: How useful are broad comparative theoretical frameworks? [Professor James Raymo, Princeton University]
October Farming knowledge in transition: Chinese farmers between migration, deskilling and extended knowledge repertoires [Dr Lena Kaufmann, University of Zurich]
November Technology and the Disciplined Customers in China: A Video-based Study of Automated Self-service Hotels [Dr Christian Greiffenhagen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University]
December Meaningful Rest [Dr Lucas Scripter, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University]
March Bioethics, Environmental Ethics, and Painless Civilization [Prof. Masahiro Morioka, Waseda University]