

China Journal of Social Work
China Journal of Social Work (《中国社会工作期刊》) 是首本由中国内地和香港联合编辑,关注中国社会工作发展的英文学术期刊。由北京大学 – 香港理工大学中国社会工作研究中心联合出版 检视出版名录
Perceived work engagement and performance amongst police officers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 16(1), 135–151.
李紫媚, Cheung, C.K., Sun, I. Y., & Cheung, Y.K.
05 Nov 2021 检视
Administrative reclassification and neighborhood governance in urbanizing China. Cities, 118, 103386.
陈涓, Kan, K., & Davis, D.S.
01 Nov 2021 检视