

China Journal of Social Work
China Journal of Social Work (《中國社會工作期刊》) 是首本由中國內地和香港聯合編輯,關注中國社會工作發展的英文學術期刊。由北京大學 – 香港理工大學中國社會工作研究中心聯合出版 檢視出版名錄
Psychoeducation, motivational interviewing, cognitive remediation training, and/or social skills training in combination for psychosocial functioning of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 899840.
Chen Juan, Lu, E., Cheng, A., Tsang, H., Leung, S., Yip, A., Lin, J., Lam, Z., Zhang, W., Zhao, M., & Ma, N.
30 Sep 2022Do it yourself social research: the bestselling practical guide to doing social research projects (3rd ed.). China Journal of Social Work, 15(3), 321–323.
Ku Hok Bun, Zekareas, Y. H.
11 Aug 2022 檢視

Welfare migration or migrant selection? Social insurance participation and rural-urban migrants’ intentions of urban-settlement in China. Urban Studies, 58(10), 1983-2003.
陈涓, Xie, S., Ritakallio, V., & Leng, X
22 Jul 2022 檢視