RC44 Members,
Thanks to all who submitted potential sessions for the 2023 ISA Congress! The committee selected the following to move forward:
- Authoritarian Innovations in Labour Governance (Michael Gillan and Michele Ford)
- Collective and Connective Action: Workers and Social Media (Joerg Nowak and Marco Santana)
- Gendered Workplace Violence: What Role for the Labour Movement? (Kristy Ward)
- Global and Regional Trade Unions and the Future of Work Regulation (Michele Ford, Michael Gillan and Dimitris Stevis)
- Global Innovations in Informal Worker Organizing (Chris Tilly)
- How Healthcare Unions can Engage and Organize Migrant Workers (Jason Schneck and Nicolas Pons-Vignon)
- Labour and Climate Change (Bradon Ellem, Frances Flanagan, Caleb Goods)
- Labour Internationalisms from Above and Below (Caitlin Fox-Hodess, Kim Scipes and Katherine Nastovski)
- Labor Politics in Asia amid Intensifying Imperial Rivalry (Eli Friedman)
- Labor Politics and Party-State Capitalism in China (Jenny Chan)
- Labour Relations and Strategic Industries in Brazil (Joerg Nowak and Leonardo Mello E Silva)
- Labor Unrest, Social Revolts and Revolutions, 1851-2020: Findings from the Global Social Protest Database (Beverly Silver – By Invitation Only)
- Learning from the Past: Historical Approaches to Labour Strategy and Their Contemporary Applications (Maya Adereth)
- Migrant and Precarious Labour in Logistics: Mapping Employment Regimes and Reconnecting Workers Along the Global Supply Chain (Adam Mrozowicki, Gabriella Alberti and Jo Cutter)
- Strikes: Past, Present and Futures (Josep Maria Antentas)
If you would like to be considered for inclusion in one of these sessions (in-person or virtual), please submit your abstract via the confex portal (https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/conferences/world-congress/melbourne-2023/deadlines-2023). If you have any questions about a particular session, please contact the session organisers.
Please note, as per the conference website:
- One cannot submit more than two abstracts.
- One cannot submit the same abstract to two different sessions.
- The abstract text cannot contain more than 300 words and must be submitted in English, French or Spanish.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Once abstracts have been accepted, no changes in authorship and text can be made.
- Author must specify a preferred format of presentation: on-site or virtual.
- Only abstracts submitted on-line will be considered in the selection process.
If you want to give a paper that does not fit into one of these sessions, you can apply to join one of our two roundtables, each of which accommodates up to 25 papers. Please be aware that due to the nature of the roundtable sessions, only in-person contributions can be considered. The process of submitting an abstract is as above.
Labour Movements Roundtable 1
Labour Movements Roundtable 2
Submit abstract: from July 1 till September 30, 2022, 24:00 GMT
See the full word document here