Peking University - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University China Social Work Research Centre and the China Association for Social Work Education hosted a workshop of social work educational action research from 11- 14 March 2023 in Zhoushan Village, Dengfeng city in Henan Province.
In the workshop, Dr Ben KU, Associate Professor of APSS and Director of the China and Global Development Network (CGDN), Dr Ellen S. L. FOK, Lecturer of the Bethel Bible Seminary, and Dr Jing YANG, Professor of the School of Public Administration of Guizhou University, shared their comment and advise for writing the educational action research projects to participants that were mostly social work practitioners and educators from colleges and universities in Mainland China. This workshop is one of the training workshops of the project titled “Nurturing New Generation of Social Work Teachers in China” supported by Keswick Foundation.
The participants also visited and lived in the House of Dreams (夢裡老家) in Zhoushan Village. The local NGO, Henan Community Education Center, also organised talks and guided tours about their 20-year work on gender equality and cultural preservation in the village to participants.